Thursday, 8 May 2003

Resurrecting Robyn Island

Bails once fell in love with a South African man while on holiday in South Africa with her father. He came to England but couldn't stand it so she decided she had to go and live with him in Cape Town. So she left our shores for pastures new (I didn't want her to go but you can't stand in the way of true love).

When she had been there for a month or two she invited me to stay over Christmas. They were living in a tiny studio flat in the burbs of Cape Town in the house of gay man called George who had a live-in lover and a lodger who were both gay drag queens. On performance days the boys would have to practice walking in stillettos and their breasts were cleverly made out of fleshcoloured tights filled with birdseed (these lay around on the sideboard when not in use). But I digress.

The romance didn't last and when she was finally desperate to come home she booked a flight for a visit. And never went back. So on return to UK she needed a job and one came up at the college where I was working. So we started working together - both of us thought this might be difficult but proved to be great (we did meet at college where we had spent lots of time together so I suppose it shouldn't have been such a shock). Anyway I had worked there for 3 years and was getting quite tired of it all. We started to create a list of people we wanted to send to Robyn Island.

Last night Bails came round for dinner because she was depressed. She reminded me about Robyn Island during the advert for the 100 worst celebrities. Our list had been all encompassing - politicians, work colleagues, family members, celebritites etc etc. We had gotten to the point where it wouldn't have been big enough. So we're resurrecting Robyn Island...

And the inhabitants so far are: Bail's stepmom, Bail's sister & bro (she was having a bad time with life in general whereas I haven't yet contributed to the list apart from adding a couple from the aforementioned advert), Peter Stringfellow, and if he's there Bails had to add Geri Halliwell (despite the fact she's been out of the press quite a bit), and list goes on...

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