Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Earwigging an Actress, Darhling

...I'm thinking a bit young but gorgeous, right up my street...its like when you've got two lines and you're up on the stage of the Almedia for the first time and because you've only got two lines you really ham it up, proper 40s accent and everything. And they say can you just throw it away a bit more Jessica and you say yeah of course and then do it the same again. Two years at Rada? You're rubbish. So naturally I don't get the call...I was up for an advert, playing Australia, America, New Zealand and here - very unusual - it was life changing money, I'd have been able to pay off my mortgage, £150,000.00 and £500 every time it aired. They were telling me I had it in the bag. There were 8 of us, whittled down to 2. I called Ben and my mum and I was screaming and they were screaming. And then I was just waiting for the call. That was 2 weeks was all face stuff, there were no lines. I have a great face for face stuff. You just had to look orgasmic eating porridge. My face is soooo porridge...

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