Monday 19 April 2004

Train Journey To Leicester

Commuters all get on with their work. Paperwork. Notetaking. Doing important stuff on laptops after taking them out and looking round to see who's watching them using their laptop. Mobile calls, discussing metal parts that are uniform in size but don't fit the sockets.

They don't notice the huge grey sky outside which is triangular and pointing tot he horizon. Or the change to rolling fields, golf courses, farm houses and sheep after we pass the M25. Or the trees budding but largely leafless. Couple more weeks and their skeletons will be covered.

Then theres the tourists, been in London for a few days but on the way home now. Cameras. Fizzy pop and travel sweets shared round a group spreading through the carriage. Buffetcar mad.

There's one of those circular holes in the sky that they used to paint God in, in old religious paintings - fluffy clouds with dark undersides and gold edges with bright sky behind.

And before you know it, its time to get off.

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