Wednesday 3 January 2007

Modern Technology

Two old codgers board the bus. After a while one of their mobile phones rings. A sort of high pitched tinkling. Hullo? Tinkle tinkle. Hullo? Tinkle tinkle. Hullo? He sounds like Arthur Daley. His mate says, "it's not working". Finally he manages to answer it. "Hawaya doing mate? Hows the misses? Good new year? I'll give you a bell in a while. Yeah ... going up town. No problem mate." He rings off. The bus lurches to a stop and his suitcase (on wheels) makes a break for it - rolls up the aisle and crashes to a halt by the driver's doors. One of them rushes up to rescue it. Sorry mate, darn suitcases. He's even wearing a sheepskin coat. Proper Sarf London.

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