Monday, 6 October 2003

Blogger's Block

Didn't feel much like blogging this weekend. Not for any particular reason apart from the fact that I had this falling out with Bails that has overshadowed my thinking and that I am concerned that its falling short of my original intentions. In the beginning, when you are not sure of the audience, it feels like you are blogging for yourself and people who you know that may be reading - so you spin a funny tale because that's the way I am (confused grammar I know). And then you discover that the people that you know aren't reading and I've got to a sort of stalemate. I'm kind of proud of what I've done and hope I've entertained people but feel perhaps that life has become less interesting. Or perhaps thats just recently.

I've never had a friend get so mad with me that they turn off the phone and not turn it back on for two days. It wasn't even a roudy row with massive differnces in opinion or anything. It was a lot of fuss about nothing, really. God I hate phonewars (is this a second drawback of mobiles - after level of voice when speaking on them). Sigh.

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