Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Bus Trip

The family of the groom was up from a place somewhere close to Bangalore and they had a bus trip around Jaipur planned which those of us travelling from the UK were invited to join. The bus was circa 1970s, Indian, with broken air conditioning and fans that didn't work. We all piled in. We sat close to the back, with a bunch of the grooms cousings behind us, and an uncle to the side across the aisle. They kept giving us excellent information about cultural issues and religion.

First stop was the Amber Fort. We were literally herded round by a cousin acting as guide who was terrified of losing some of us. Umbrellas were handed out to those wishing to avoid the sun (we weren't takers).

Then we got back on the bus. Stopped for a packed lunch (Indian style - some ochre, potato with seeds and chapati) and then went into the City Palace. The city guards kept jumping, annoyingly, into my pictures (red turbans, strange black mustaches) expecting tips. Great doors though.

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