I went for a stroll with HS in the cemetery in Stoke Newington, taking pictures for what I thought might be London's C.

Run down to the point where things seem to be teetering on the edge of collapse, it is none the less a lovely place, quiet without the do-goody types that man the gates in Highgate Cemetary. Still a place for local people strolling, cutting through, sitting with intent on a bench. A goth boy and a goth girl played basketball through the glassless window of the cremetorium. Inside it slowly decays away, damp stretching up the walls. And the grounds are in danger of being overtaken by japanese knotweed. Strongholds springing up all over the place. Once trained in what it actually looks like (HS knows this stuff) I've been spotting it all over the place this week - behind some billboards at Manor House, along the railway by South Bermondsey. It really does appear to be inching its way across the urban landscape.

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