Wednesday 26 January 2005

New Office, New Politics

Reading today's Guardian about office environments where the politics are bad for us (whilst in a cafe down the street which sells great homemade soup) I started thinking about just that.

I came from an open plan office, which while it had massive drawbacks (like not being able to work because of the noise of others), did have social advantages. Here I have my own office, which is nice but means I don't meet any colleagues. I used to work in a place where we were treated like second class citizens to our funders next door and we were all united in our fight against them despite the fact we were all working for different organisations (I worked for the council, then some people worked for a variety of voluntary organisations). Here I'm not even sure if I have any colleagues. I am a sub-business unit of my own, with no other workers in it with me.

My boss is a business unit manager which makes him a BUM for short - I cried laughing when he emailed me about that, which is what having your own office is good for, I suppose. Sadly I am a sub-BUM. Maybe that makes me an upper thigh. I'm hoping I'm an athletic one (like Linford Christie's) rather than an orangey peel one.

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