Sunday 27 March 2005

The Creep

Short bus ride home. Sitting looking out the window, a young man sits down next to her. She can tell out of the corner of her eye that he is looking at her intently. She pretends not to notice, but in actual fact sees that his hand is in his trousers. Uncomfortable, she contemplates telling the driver, how long would it all take to sort out? Walking distance from home she decides instead to get off the bus. Its 2.00am. She gets out and starts walking. Then she notices he has gotten off as well. She walks slowly. He overtakes and then waits up ahead until she has to pass him. She walks quickly. He walks quickly. She changes direction, thinking she could go into the pub and tell them she's being harassed. She says to him, please leave me alone. She turns back and sees a woman ahead. She catches up with the woman and asks to walk with her. They walk a little ways together. The creep disappears.

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