Friday, 11 December 2015

Ann Veronica Janssens - States of Mind


So into a room filled with carbon dioxide vapour, so thick you couldn't see past about 30cms from your face. Totally lost instantly. No idea of size of space. Walk around hands out in front of you because you suddenly can't sense the space at all. People loom out of the mist into your tiny sphere of vision and disappear back again. Hear voices. See no one. Ghosts and shadows materialise into human forms. The mist has coloured light through it, as you move round the room the colours blend and merge. And then hit a wall, can inch round the room to the exit.

At the Wellcome Institute until 3 January.


Z said...

I loved the Blind Light exhibition at the Hayward a few years ago - much the same idea?

Anonymous said...

Sounds creepy but fascinating, though because carbon dioxide is an asphyxiant the people who set up the exhibit have to be very careful!

Harriet (the fshlady) said...

It seems so - I didn't see that one though...