Thursday 23 October 2003


There's been a spate of burglaries in our area recently, according to the police. First we noticed was when they did our house - busted open the kitchen window with a crowbar, carefully took the blue bottles and vase off the ledge of the window and placed them neatly on the ground outside, crawled in and stole money. Then next door was done - they cut a wooden panel out of the back door, took the LPs off the shelf inside the door and crawled in through the space left and stole music equipment.

We had the police round. They came on Sunday morning (not a good time), I was called out of bed to come and give fingerprints. I just about managed to put on a dressing gown, hair was all over the place (really literally), didn't have time to brush my teeth (moss mouth, tried hard not to talk to anyone). Policeman was in plain clothes and chewing gum. He was being jolly and light. I was a zombie. I did manage to do the fingerprinting right though - roll the finger across the ink thing and do one roll from left to right onto the card strip.

Anyway when the crime prevention police came round to advise on what to do they said that there had been many in our area and they thought it must all be the same person. Later on we heard they got him but he was coming out on bail.

So I'm sitting here doing a one-word 60 second writing thing and a cop van comes tearing down my road with its siren going. Stops suddenly all the cops jump out and run up the road after someone. Another van arrives and a police car comes steaming up the other direction. They are all running about in their bullet proof vests. Nobody else is out in the street at all. They come back down the road holding a young man with his arm behind his back and put him in the back of the van. And off they go. You'd never know they had been there.

These things always make me want to know the end of the story - it feels unfinished. I need a nice tidy ending like on The Bill or something.

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