Monday 25 August 2003

Monday's Life Class

Wasn't running because of the bank holiday so no pictures today. Had planned to have a drink with the drawing class crowd but when it came down to it there seemed no need - M was going to the movies with his neurotic Norweigian friend from the Thursday night class.

The last time we went out with her it lead to HS and I having a contest as to which of our star signs would beat the other in stubbornness which then went right down to the wire of which of us would actually beat the other - she's an Aries (good horns and ability to ram its contestant - so a good contender) however I'm a taurus (bull - longer forward pointing horns, much more ferocious and BIGGER - they don't have ram-fighting in spain for a good reason - too easy to win). I mean, really, an aries is basically a sheep (this was the basis of my argument and in the presence of another taurean we felt this was good reason to win). However HS was standing up to the argument in a good aries manner by being very stubborn and disagreeing. Personally didn't know aries were known to be stubborn but then I think these characteristics are made up by Geminis who have to bolster themselves up by giving all other signs negative and abhorrent traits. Neither of us backed down but it was a circular unwinnable debate. Ultimately a ridiculous waste of time.

I also felt maybe it would be good to have a decent night's sleep for once on a Monday having not drunk too much and stayed out too long on the first day of the week.

And it would save hearing maddeningly stupid jokes that I would have to try to remember from the Weds/Thurs night drawing tutor. Last offering:

Man goes to the doctor.
Doctor: "What can I do for you today?"
Man: "I'm concerned that I seem to have a piece of lettuce hanging out of my bum"
Doctor: examines the piece of lettuce "Humm, yeesss, it is cause for concern - it appears to be only the tip of the iceberg..."

(My head is in my hands).

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