Wednesday 18 June 2003

Big Bro

I'm stuck in our sweepstake at work this week. There are three people up for eviction - Federico (liability - task looser), Jon (all action bore hero), and Cameron (all round nice guy - apart from his bible reading habits) and two of them have to go.

They need to loose Fed cos he just can't cut the mustard on the tasks (what is it about him? THICK or what) but the girls on the outside lurve him (can't think why). Interested when he was rowing with Ray about who was the campest in the house by a country mile - I'm afraid I have to disagree with him on that one - look at oneself young man. And he did sooo want to wear the red lyrca all in one number with the monkey thong (I think its a monkey, can't quite remember now. Why did he take that in there? Why does he have it anyway?)

Jon has too much value cos he can blind them with science and they are confused by him. Great moments. Classic lines - very blokey stuff (my ex-lewisham male work colleagues would be collecting Jon's Gems by now I feel sure - click here for C4's own attempt at it).

Cameron, so nice (its a crime), ruddy cheeks, innocent seeming (who can really tell), bible reading. Again, he's a character who'll be loved by the women on the outside. His only redeeming feature is that he likes to sneak in for a peek at the bathing beauties (bit pervy).

So it'll really depend on whether the voting public is largely made up of young ladies or enough of a mix to make a difference. In deciding who I was going to go for I keep changing my mind. I first put down the two people to leave will be Fed and Jon but I'm on my way to changing my mind - cos of the so called phauw factor. I'd like Jon to stay so the house can continue to suffer. Cameron - don't care either way. So I might change to Fed and Cameron BUT that won't win me the sweepstake.

Cameron & Jon? Fed & Cameron? Fed & Jon? Decisions decisions.

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