Monday 13 May 2013


It's my birthday today (actual birthday not blog birthday). Not been posting much because my computer has broken and I need a new hard drive. There are posts I need to do - like about my fabulous trips to Ghana and most recently Greece and stories of life and love and tribulations, ceramics and work, London, Athens and Accra. I'm going to be better. Because I'm 43. And I don't want my life to pass me by uncommented upon! 

I wore yellow to work today. They've not seen me in anything other than black before. It was somewhat controversial and deemed worthy of much comment. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Harriet! You look marvelous. :)

  2. Happy Birthday ! Looking fabulous and sooo different :-)

  3. Belated happy birthday. Looking forward to Accra, Athens, London snippets. I am 44 and need to start posting because life without comment is dull indeed!

  4. Anonymous4:52 am

    Nice picture, and happy belated birthday!


  5. Happy belated birthday. Just discovered your blog and I intend to visit it on a regular basis. Greetings from North Carolina, USA

  6. Happy birthday!
    late but always :)) I discovered your blog long, long time ago, being a regular reader. However, suddenly my life changed dramaticcaly and I gave up online hobbies. Now, I'm coming back and I hope following your blog again. Thanks for being still in the net :)) Admire your work.


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