Saturday 14 July 2012


Eating small box of food in Beatroot on Berwick Street. It's a pathway. Lots of people passing in both directions between Soho and Oxford Street. Records shop fans, gays and tourists. The fruit and veg men are rearranging their stall.

A couple - bears (big moustaches and bald) each carrying a chiwauwa. An older man in shorts and walking shoes with bare legs telling his companion that you can also buy false eyelashes there (wherever there is). Three youths walk past, double take, walk into Beatroot and come straight out again (probably carnivorous). An old lady in purple and white ankle boots and white fur collared coat.


  1. I've never seen the word "chihuahua" spelled "chiwauwa" before. I kind of like it.

  2. LOL - I couldn't even begin to decide how to spell it!

  3. Which is why dictionaries can sometimes be completely useless. :)

  4. I struggled at the beginning learning to use a dictionary. I still remember having to do dictionary work in infants school.


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