Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy 2011

So making a change from Jules Holland and feeling sorry for myself on the sofa, I was invited to a new year's eve party. While the majority drank bubbly, we had brought whisky (not my usual tipple but I quite enjoyed the heat in the back of the throat experience). A mixture of friends and neighbours, nibbles and music. Midnight crept up on us quite unexpectedly and the host let off some fireworks in the back garden (mostly low level spark throwing and smoky, some medium sized bangs). Chinese sky lanterns drifted up into the sky from neighbouring parties. After the new year began the music was turned up and there was dancing. Happy new year!

I haven't made any formal new year's resolutions though, have you?


  1. ELLIE6:30 pm

    Nothing.  But I do have a running list in my head.

  2. la pergrina4:55 pm

    A belated Happy New Year, Harriet.  I have not made any resolutions either but I have come up with a motto, "New Year, New Start."  Trite but true.


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