Wednesday 12 May 2010

Red, Blue, Yellow

So now its all over, I'm really rather depressed. I didn't think I would feel that way - having become so jaded about politics and politicians just looking to line their own pockets. Disappointed in the Lib Dems jumping into bed with tory boy and his private school cronies, but then shouldn't really be suprised since the lure of power is what draws people to politics in the first place (the minute someone decides to run for parliament they become untrustowrthy). Two desperate men standing holding hands, thrilled to have the keys to number 10. These public school boys just don't represent me. I don't think they have any idea how the majority of people in this country live. And I'm worried that all the solutions will have benefits for the rich and damage the poor even further.

Early last week I was finding these elephants all over London quite charming. After the results I'm finding them a bit plastic and not as interesting as they may have been.


  1. scottsabode1:28 pm

    I'm loving the elephants! I hope they're still there next when when I'm in London!

  2. jcjenniferconway@gmail.com1:53 pm

    I so agree with you remarks about the LibDems...and now taht it is August the worst betrayals are in full flood. I actually voted for the LibDems....I am SO ashamed and will never do so can only hope thst the whole coalition  thing  will trip itself up before it does harm to the poor, the young, the increasing unemployed, students....and women.
    Jennifer Conway
    PS I am a friend of your aunt Catherine and at the momemt am on her sofa filling her ears with the horrors of Clegg and I shall give her a rest....PPS love from Catherine...

  3. Harriet7:15 pm

    Nice to hear from the readers! You've read back some way!!

  4. Harriet7:16 pm

    Yes - its a VERY troubling time - very worried about the prospective cuts to wildlife orgs and selling off national parks to private companies - how can they sell off the land that belongs to the people!!!


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